Wednesday, September 28, 2016

At Least He's Honest....Kind of?

First things first, The Pardoner obviously knows what he wants and knows how to get it (cough cough money). Whether or not it is moral is a different story. I feel like just because other people do it doesn't make it okay, but he seems to think differently. My thoughts are at least he doesn't hide it from everyone....

The Pardoner also seems like a very judgmental person which, to me, is odd since he's not so innocent either (sips tea). That being said, in his story, the drunken friends set out to avenge the death of their other friend but instead they end up killing each other. I not going to lie, I'm definitely judging them because that really backfired and that a really crappy thing to do (and all for gold!).

I'm interested in hearing the thoughts of others because, to me, this whole proloige and tale seem to be a cycle of sins and judgment.


  1. I think that the Pardoner is using the part of his tale that says people shouldn't be greedy, swear, gamble, etc, is just used to make the people he is telling the story to feel bad about themselves because most likely they have done these same things. Then he thinks that they'll give him more of their money.

  2. He is kind of honest. I think he is telling people to not do those things but he isn't putting himself in the place to be judged. I don't think he cares what people think of him but he doesn't believe others should be making the same sins that he is making. Maybe it is just something that comes with his job.
