I think my difficulties with this lie with in the fact that I cant really tell if the author is also the speaker of the story.
I do however, enjoy the description of this colony, and the beauty of it even though the underlying meaning isn't,
I think it is kind of messed up how Oroonko's 100 year old Grandfather stole his girl lol. It isnt something that really seems okay to me, considering the fact that he is 100 years old, and she just went along with it? Eventually they find their way back to eachother though and that really brings it home for me.
I think what surprises me the most about this story is the fact that i kind of expeceted it to be some sort of fairy tale, but the ideals of slavery and such are very realistic. (I guess the names are what made me believe that it would be some sort of fairy tale)
There is something interesting in an alternate universe of a society of racism and royalty. Royalty is obviously genetic and African royalty is something special. It seems ancient and old and something that one should just be happy about. You imagine It might have been contrived by the Europeans. It wasn’t though. It might have been there before the Europeans made their mark on Africa. African royalty came about within its tribes. Royalty was evident where there were Muslims and the Romans. We really don’t know where African royalty came from because of the dearth of African history. All there is in Africa is sand and this sand seems to be like a sieve, it does not hold records. Sand is something on which you would have trouble building anything. Sand is like sandpaper, it erodes things and I guess time and the history of African time. We even have the expression or image of time like sand through an arrow glass. I have heard that you can check sand records like you would check the record of sand levels at the beach, but it must be different because this was millions of years ago. I have also heard that a castle has trouble sitting on sand in the dead heat of summer because sand does not provide a firm foundation. I am very interested to know what African royalty was like. It would be intriguing to learn about how African royalty did things. It must have been different than European royalty.