Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Mustache Utopia of Manliness

In Utopia, no one would dare to ask a guy to step outside in order to solve a problem. I mean man generally have this desire to show their manliness. The desire to prove their manliness seems to get stronger when they start drinking. A simple discussion can turn into a heated argument then next thing you know, some big bloke comes over and ask you to step outside. This might be attempted at a pub but you would probably get kicked out.

Dueling on the other hand was an old-fashioned ritual where arguments were settled with a swords or pistols. It was a ritual where men fought to defend themselves or their possessing. It became a trend that was rising within the aristocracy.

Single combat was the first form of battle where men who did not receive justice in the court system took another man outside to battle it out. This was considered an honorable thing to do. The men in conflict walked out of the court room to continue their fight.

The winner of the duel was often arrested, charged and sentenced. Pistol fighting had standard. The distance of the two duelers was carefully measured in paces before a shot was allowed. The pistols used were not very advanced and fortunately not as advanced as todays AR15s the military carry. Otherwise, history would have been altered by massive violence considering the duelers and most of their spectators would probably been killed.

The other form of dueling was with swords. Two people would quarrel and pull out swords and eventually fight until one was mortally wounded. I remember reading this in Hamlet when one member of royalty picks up a sword and challenges another person to a duel. They clash with swords and who ever win dies because Hamlet’s opponent had poison on the end of his sword. They eventually crown Hamlet after he kills his uncle the king and his mother dies from drinking poison. He gets stabbed and dies in the throne This reminds me of the school bully that you don’t know what to do with. He wants your lunch money. He pushes you often and causes you harm. You can never get anywhere with this person. Sometimes you even like them and they still push you around. Eventually you want to give up and square off.

In Utopia Book I, we have a dueling of words. Words of defense from Thomas More for the old world order against those words describing a far-off impossibility of utopia! These men have come together with the purpose of arguing about the possibility of a perfect civilization. These men after great discourse and debate come up with flawed ideas for society. These ideas are a true dystopia. Everyone loves this perfect society that they have created. There are fires in the streets and dancing around law. 

I affirm that I “have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on this paper”
Alex Cooper
Alexander Stephen Cooper                                                                                              2016 10 18

A Perfect Society Of Slave Trade


Slavery is a major topic in Utopia. I have researched and found that slave ships were an interesting form of human transportation. This transportation was not a violation of law during this time, however in my opinion it was at that time, nevertheless, a violation of human rights. European countries such as France, or Spain took to the sand and jungle of Africa where they came across kingdoms of Africans. These African kingdoms often willingly sold their own people into slavery for much needed revenue. African people were sold to work mainly for other civilizations such as in Rome or Muslim cultures where slaves were essential during this ancient time period. Carthage is a civilization which is a good example that comes to mind. Carthage makes me think of rhinos and elephants, gold or ivory. I think of white men with jet black hair coming to Africa with their metal guns and their advanced equipment to cull the labor needed to fortify their European homes and to expand their drive for empires.
            In Utopia Book II, slave buyers spoke to a few natives or kings and asked for a few relatives or anyone that needed to be dealt with or was a threat or a problem. People that they could take off their hands or buy easily. The sellers earned their little bit of gold. They were selling everyone they could into slavery and sometimes the sellers were even brutally forced into servitude. Slave traders bound and gagged people with fabric or tied wool over their heads then chained together those who were overtaken and enslaved. Newly trapped slaves were forced onto ships with cargo holds with multiple levels on which layers of slave body next to slave body was laid down. There was a lot of disease and illness that spread rapidly throughout the ship. This disease ripened and spread to the ships destination where the disease spread quickly to native populations in America. The natives lacked immunities to these foreign borne diseases and often native American populations were wiped out. If disease didn’t kill the slaves, then it was the sun where slaves were forced to do backbreaking labor where most slaves died.
            So, what do we do with slaves in Utopia? Who was in control of the slave population if violence was a threat without teeth? You couldn’t kill your slave since you had money invested in that slave. How did farmers working every daylight hour fit into this slave society? Some farmers do not own the food they produce, so maybe a slave does not own his body. You don’t actually own that house because you still have to pay taxes or it’s confiscated. With taxation, you don’t really own anything at all either. Ultimately, utopia was a brutal dystopia based on complete slave labor. So who owns what or whom? In death, you don’t own anything at all.
            Utopia to me is a modern socialized democracy where government is a very happy organism. It passes law after law to protect its people humanely from other countries. It passes law after law to protect its people from themselves. The whole question is what is humane, or what is not humane? I mean you could think like some sixteenth century philosopher who stayed in bed all day and slept around the clock because he could not survive without his pillow and cover. How many pillows did he have? I’m talking about De Cartes who was found dead in his bed all very suddenly. This was only after he had counted his pillows a couple hundred times or folded his sheets every possible way like he was folding the flag or making paper animals out of linen. He just sat and thought. Now the whole idea of this book was to establish a Utopia or perfect society. Did everyone believe this was a Utopia? Was he just keeping that name around to rationalize dystopia? It is all wrong to me. Yes. It is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. No one should actually over intellectualize a society. This means no society can or should title themselves by history’s definition as perfect. There is nothing perfect about slavery or farming, or using heathens for a military. It makes a mockery out of the art of manliness.
I affirm that I “have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on this paper”
Alex Cooper
Alexander Stephen Cooper                                                                                              2016 10 18

Lady Macbeth is Crazy

This is my second time reading Macbeth and I have to say that I am enjoying it more this time around. Part of that comes from listening to the amazing voices from the Folger’s Shakespeare app, but either way. I never fully appreciated the character that is Lady Macbeth, she is quite gutsy. It is because of Lady Macbeth that Macbeth even seriously considering killing King Duncan. As soon as she hears that there is a possibility her husband could become king, she has already planned the murder in her head.  

smile creepy evil child smirk 
Lady Macbeth sees her husband as this wimpy fellow simply because he is not willing to do what needs to be done to make himself king. Macbeth almost backs out of the plan to murder to Duncan because his loyalty to him begins to get the best of him. When Lady Macbeth hears that he is not going to kill Macbeth she flips outs. She believes that if he is unable to kill Duncan, then he should not be able to see himself as a man.

                                    Image result for lady macbeth meme 

She is quite a strong woman and if she was not trying to get to the throne by killing the current king, she would be an interesting queen to have. She seems to have a lot more guts than Macbeth does, but in a dangerous way. In a way that if she was given too much power, then she might just be willing to abuse it.  
                                            helena bonham carter queen of hearts off with her head tim burton alice in wonderland