Tuesday, November 15, 2016


You go to sleep. You have slept most of the night and you are continuing to sleep. In your dream, you are awake. You are not in your room. You don’t know where you are. No one knows where you are. Somehow you find out that you have superpowers at night while you are asleep. Your memory works perfectly. You remember everything. You know everything that you will do the next day when you wake. The dream turns into something different. It takes you further from reality into some distant future where you are everything and have everything. There is something about your thoughts that changes. Your thinking is more thoughtful like. There is a maze in your brain that you must follow to the end where you come to a dramatic realization that you are something more than your reality. You are running down a corridor. It is pitch black. It is so dark you can and cannot see things. I don’t think anyone can see anything in the dead of black. You wake up. You go to sleep again having woken up frightened and fall back into another dream. You are dreaming about your next day, and your past life. You want to never wake up because you can see everything and it is all so very clear. It is better than watching television. It is like watching a film, or rather being awake and actively engaging in life.

            In books, dreaming is a common subject that is often perpetrated by the consumption of alcohol or marijuana. It is often created by the use and creation of one’s own bank of knowledge. It is like eating a worm at the bottom of a tequila bottle. Or watching a worm crawl out of a red apple while doing your first kindergarten homework assignment while wearing glasses. There is something surreal about this image as if you have just been put into your own dream and have suddenly awoken. I find this nearly as troubling as a Trump election like when you awoke the morning after the election and wondered on what island you were marooned for the past few years. There are fighter planes flying over-head. The new President has decided he wants to use all his Presidential rights. There are laws to be put in place to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. He has the right to reinstate the draft then we all get shipped off to Syria for war. It was like waking up to a dream. There is this feeling of a mistake that you don’t know how to wake up from yet everything suddenly becomes reality. The unknown and this change also excites you.

            Lady Macbeth has been witnessed doing things in her sleep. She has her eyes closed and she is pulling papers out of her closet and signing and fiddling with folders like there are legal document binding their kingdom to the murder that has been taking place under the crown. Macbeth has killed in cold blood with the scheming and advise of Macbeths wife Lady Macbeth.  It has been shown that dreams alter reality and mood. They bring people down to earth, and lead to an alteration in how the perceive their reality and their course of action throughout their life due to the change in chemicals in the brain.  It has been shown that women who dream about their ex-husband are more likely to never get back together with their husband due to their differences. Lady Macbeth’s dream is spawned from her husband failure to think of the proper course of action when committing murder, and it is also spawned from murder eating away at Lady Macbeth’s psyche.

“Since her majesty went into the field, I have seen her rise from her bed, throw her night-gown upon her, unlock her closet, take forth paper, fold it, right upon’t, read it afterwards seal it, and again return to bed; yet all the while in the most fast asleep (Macbeth1-9)”

Lewis, Penelope A. "What Is Dreaming and What Does It Tell Us about Memory? [Excerpt]." Scientific American. Scientific America, 18 July 2014. Web. 12 Nov. 2016.
I affirm that I “have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on this paper”
Alex Cooper

Alexander Stephen Cooper                                                                                              11/14/2016

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