Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Return of Banquo

Okay, so let's just get this out in the open from the very beginning: Shakespeare loves his paranormal characters, doesn't he? I mean, I'm not complaining because the return of Banquo is pretty badass. Yeah, of course, he doesn't do much but sit in a chair and scare the crap out of Macbeth, but honestly, that was just enough to me. Oh, did I mention that he's a ghost and that no one other than Macbeth can see him? Because that's even better.

So yeah, Lady Macbeth is trying to save her husband's reputation by telling his guests that he's really just messing with them... Right. Whatever you say, Mrs. M. 

Anyway, in the meantime, Macduff gets word that Banquo is dead and even though most people are saying that Fleance is the murderer, old Macduff knows better. He's all like, "I know that jerk Macbeth is behind this, and I'm gonna make him pay for it." Pretty cool of him to take it upon himself to right the wrongs that Macbeth has inflicted on Scotland, and eventually, on his own family. But hey, I mean, that's cool Macduff. You go, man. You get that revenge. 

Basically at the end of our reading for the night, Macbeth is visited by even more apparitions (as if he didn't sound crazy before) and one of them told him that he could not be harmed of any man who was woman-born. Hmm... (Insert obvious foreshadowing sign here) I wonder what's going to happen next. 

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