Wednesday, October 26, 2016

MVPs of Acts 3 & 4

The tragedy continues to unfold!
            I do have to say that my favorite moment from last night’s reading is when Fleance escapes the murderers in Act 3 Scene 3.  I’m sure it’s much more convincing when performed onstage, but I read the murderers’ lines after Fleance fled to be just kind of mildly disappointed in the whole situation.
“Aww, nuts. He got away.”
I’m also a big fan of Lady Macduff. She is NOT shy about her feelings towards her husband after he fled! I was definitely expecting her to be distraught and weepy after her husband left, and I was so glad to be proven wrong. I love the boldness of the women in this story. It’s so refreshing to see them asserting their opinions and beliefs. I think if the whole murdery thing never went down, Lady Macbeth and Lady Macduff could have been Co-Queens and brushed all of the men aside.

Of course I need to give a quick shout-out to the little Egg. He was so positive about everything and knew that life would go on and God would provide! Even his mother was taken aback by his can-do attitude. Major Tiny Tim vibes! (Of A Christmas Carol fame. Not the creepy tulip guy.)
RIP Little Buddy

             Lastly, I think it’s pretty amusing that Malcolm starts hyping Macduff to kill Macbeth the moment they find out Lady Macduff and the rest of the household were murdered.  There’s no “hey I’m really sorry that your family is dead” from Malcolm, it’s just Killing Time. While I can respect that he has the courage to immediately act upon his desires, I still think Malcolm would be the guy to shout commands from behind the camera while shakily filming schoolyard brawls in portrait mode.
Overall, I’m really excited to keep reading this, because I’m certainly enjoying it more than I ever did in previous readings.  I think my new appreciation for the women in the story majorly contributes to my enjoyment, because I remember being thoroughly annoyed by Lady Macbeth while reading this in middle school. What an egg I was.


  1. I like that you referred to the son as 'Egg' as though it's his actual name and not some (very strange) insult the murderer threw at him. Can we all just assume the kid was actually named Egg from now on? I'm down for that.

    Honestly, Lady Macduff is pretty hilarious. 'My husband left the country without telling us? Well, Egg, your dad's dead now.' Geez lady, harsh. I mean, sure, dick move on Macduff's part, but really...

    Overall these acts are really kind of funny to me- they're not intended to be, but all the things you pointed out are just so goofy to me for a variety of reasons. 'Fleance escaped? Oh darn. Well, let's go home.' 'Your family is dead? Sorry dude, but hey look at the bright side, we're gonna go kill the guy who did it! That's fun right? Haha yeah you'll be fine.'

  2. Lady Macduff was definitely a headstrong women. If she were of modern times, I could definitely see her relating to TLC's No Scrubs! If Lady Macduff and Lady Macbeth did joins teams, I'm pretty sure they would be unstoppable.
