Sunday, November 13, 2016

What to do with this Free Will??

       The devils have all this free will and they don’t really know what to do with it. They are finally able to what they want but they don’t exactly know what that is…yet. 
The way they decide kind of reminds me of when parent have to make a big decision that will affect their kids. Like if the parents got a great job offer but they have to decide if they really want to uproot their family. Or when parliament has to come together to make a decision.
      Ultimately the devils decide that instead of just enjoying what they have and building an empire of their own that they should do what Beelzebub suggested. They should get revenge on God by destroying or corrupting the new race he made, Man. So they should basically try and corrupt or kill god’s pride and joy.

    I guess that makes sense it I the best way to get revenge against God who sent them to Hell. Satan just has to be the one to volunteer to go and scout the new world. It is not like any of the other devils could have volunteered in his place so their leader didn’t have to go. 
However it doesn’t work out like that. Satan decides that he will be the one to explore this new world that God has created. I kind of liked how Satan used the other cosmic beings to get directions to Earth. Who wouldn’t want to have cosmic beings helping you? I think that through this book we can start to see more of the wickedness of Satan and the devils.


  1. Personally I would've preferred a long road trip sequence where Satan and Beelzebub try to find Earth together, with Satan getting totally lost and refusing to ask directions, before they finally ask some nameless cosmic horror and find out they should've made that left turn at Albuquerque.

    Humor aside though, kind of low for Satan to get back at God by corrupting/destroying his progeny, eh? But then again I guess nothing's too low for you when you live in the literal underworld. It's a solid plan, though- God's omnipotent and Satan knows it, so waging a direct war would be totally pointless. However he's also kind of overlooking the fact that God would ALSO know his plan, and what he's going to do, and how to prevent it. So I mean... It's kinda pointless either way. But hey, at least he's trying. Determination gets some credit.

  2. Although messed up, it really is a pretty good plan to turn God's own creation against him (except for humans). They thought what would be better than having what God created in his own image turn their backs on him. Too bad they didn't realize that they were just falling straight into what God wanted to happen anyway.

  3. First I would like to say, good job at finding relevant GIF's! Also, I find it pretty interesting that Satan has taken it upon himself to ruin mankind just because it is God's creation. And i mean to be honest if Satan really is the reason that people are so corrupt he is doing a pretty good job! But in terms of religion, God still comes out on top. In Christianity specifically, The devil finds ways to bring people away from Christ but he fails at taking everyone away from Christ and I kinda feel like Satan is an all or nothing kinda guy, so is some enough for him? Will a plan like this really and ultimately lead to his complete satisfaction?

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