Monday, November 7, 2016

It's Always Sunny in Helledeplhia

So Paradise Lost is an interesting piece of work, that's for sure. I wasn't quite sure what on Earth was going on at first- I managed to discern that Satan & pals were plotting what their next move was after God kicked them out of Heaven, but beyond that I wasn't too sure. I checked a summary (BUT NOT THE ANALYSIS) and found that thankfully, my interpretation was right. Score one for me.

After they escape their time-out in the Lake of Fire (which I assume is a big pool of lava? Fire can't really be a lake since it's not a liquid. Maybe God just poured a bunch of oil into some water and lit it on fire- man, I hope not, that's terrible for the environment), Satan & the Gang construct their super secret fort of awesome, Pandemonium, and they have a bit of a discussion about how to get back at the big bearded guy in the sky for throwing them down into Hell.

And so it would seem that Satan and his Cretinous Cohorts have decided that rather than waging a war with Heaven, they're gonna get back at God in the lowest way possible (as befits the denizens of Hell)- by corrupting the youth! (aka humanity!)

Those bastards. It all makes sense now.

I'm actually really interested to see where this is going. I've heard of Paradise Lost before, but only in name- I never knew it was actually about Satan and friends doing their evil business and fighting with Heaven. So far I'm invested and eager to read more (and doubly eager to comprehend what I'm reading. Boy, this is tricky stuff.)


  1. Thank you for the Sunny reference...and for the comedic relief within your lava and environmental protection comments...ALTHOUGH, let's be "real," God could probably set water on fire if he wanted to - I think miracles are part of his job description. Anyways, I'm glad I'm not the only one using Spark Notes, Google, or other people to double-check my interpretations of this epic poem. It's an easier read than I thought it would be, but I certainly get lost in the beauty of it.

    1. Y'know, that's a valid point. I always forget God doesn't adhere to logic.

  2. Awesome title! I definitely laughed a little bit when I read it. after reading your post, I think I can say that I agree with your thoughts. I had heard of Paradise Lost before, but I had never known anything about it. So far, it's interesting! It's kinda cool to read an interpretation about how Satan became what he is.
