Monday, November 21, 2016

Blind Devil

There is earth. There is space. Space goes down, down, and down. It goes down into darkness. The light from earth radiating from heaven eventually stops passing through the abyss of black space. Space gets deeper and deeper into the dead of black. It looks like the darkest night when all the night owls are out and roaming the street. They walk around smoking their cigarettes like zombies. There is the black that travels and floats above hell. Hell, is made of rock that is red and orange. The rock is sulfuric and gassy. There is a sizzling sound. Flames shoot out from the ground. There are lakes that have acid as water with a flaming atop. The devils have had a secret meeting. They are plotting and planning, holding a parliament like meeting to figure out what to do with the king. The devils know full well that the king can come to Hell whenever he feels like it and massacre all of them. The devils are only in Hell for one reason; they have been cast out of heaven for not preforming their duties for God. They wanted to do whatever they wanted to do. The devils wanted it all for themselves and never got on the good side of God, but rather they wanted what they wanted and got cast out for bad deeds. Were they all angels or was Satan or Lucifer the only angel cast out? Where did the other angels come from? Some people have said they were all angels. Angels were the only other creation while the Garden of Eden was in the making.

Satan the king was sitting on his throne. Does he have the throne? Was he standing there watching and looking on? It is possible that all this man had was fire and brimstone. He is watching over their studies. They are all standing wearing black robes and wigs. They have their horns. Their horns are red. Maybe, they have white wings and an orb of light over their head with halos of gold. The first Devil began to talk. He was speaking plainly. The first devil voted for all-out war and rebellion like the Americans had done during the Revolutionary War. He took out a piece of paper and wrote down, “I want war.” He then signed it. All the devils agreed, they wanted war and were scheming like politicians. They spoke politically mentioning law and were trying to tempt themselves into action. They got around the fear of war, and plotted to get away with murder like common criminals. They also spoke like businessmen who were running a large corporation. They had lots of money. The devils wore suits with red ties. They had brief cases and knew how the stock market worked. They hated their jobs and resorted to bribery and often went to court to get out of charges they picked up through business and pleasure. They were illegal to the bone until life sentences caught up with them. They were doctors who killed people. They have massive doses of medications and experiment on people. The law protected them. They wore white lab coats and had stethoscopes. They were liars. They were the worst possible jewelers. They raised the price of gold and precious gems. They stole them, horde them, and get away with it.

Eventually, they come up with a plan. Satan, they king is going to do his duty to his kingdom and country. He is going to track throughout black until he reaches earth because he can. He wants the power to never pass. He wants the spirit to be evil because he can. He wanted to do things because he could. He called upon his wit and strength to make his trip. One devil spoke up, he wanted to make hell home. He wanted to make hell a place where they can live without the black, torture and death surrounding them. They wanted to get rid of the cold atmosphere. They wanted to no longer suffer every second. They wanted to get out of constantly being in blood. They no longer wanted to die every day where they are tied down and giving punishment. One devil spoke up he wanted to mine hell for its gold and gems. On earth mining is one of the most dangerous jobs where people die from suffocation and mine collapses. Miners are also exposed to dirt, and lung disease. Often miners have a very short life. The devils want to build a castle of gold and eventually turn hell into heaven. Hell, should be more powerful than heaven. Mammon wants his riches. Beelzebub wanted war. There should be a playing field in heaven. They must to take it to God. Belial wanted open war. Maloch wanted open war. Satan took the lead and is ready to fight by himself with honor and prestige. He faces certain death.,31511,2002664,00.html

I affirm that I “have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on this paper”
Alex Cooper
Alexander Stephen Cooper 11/18/2016

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