Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Welcome to Utopia!!!

Utopia seems like it would be a pretty cool place to live in moderation, like for six months at a time then go somewhere else for the next six months. It is a medium sized society which is good because you do not have too many or not enough cities to govern. Everything is so organized and on a schedule. The cities are distributed evenly and have the same amount of land all around. Your nap times are even scheduled!

The idea that everything is pre-planned doesn’t really sit well with me. It seems like a great idea in theory. It allows everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing and aren’t just wasting time doing meaningless things. However I think it would be different when it’s actually applied in society. Having everything pre-planned seems like it would make everything mundane and boring.
When everything is planned there aren’t any surprises or spontaneity. A life without surprises or something different every once in a while seems weird. Maybe it works for the Utopians but I'm not sure if I'm sold on the idea yet.

The workload isn’t bad, they only work for 6 hours. which is divided into two parts 3 hours before lunch and 3 hours after lunch. It seems like it is fairly divided among the people and among the genders. Women aren’t given hard laboring work because they aren’t as strong as men. Which that can be taken as a negative or as a positive. On one hand women don’t have to do hard labor and on the other had shouldn’t they be given the opportunity? The short hours of work seems like a good idea. Especially since it allows the people to engage in other activities as long as it doesn’t go against the rules.

1 comment:

  1. I do love the idea of a six hour workday, but I'm not sure if that's a reality in Utopia. Even during their leisure hours they are doing something productive and meaningful. They hate idle hands. In that sense, one could argue that the only time they aren't working is when they are sleeping and eating.
