Tuesday, October 18, 2016

three witches

I think I am going to focus on these witches, because they are literally the reason this book even became a thing. How on earth do three random and creepy women telling you that you are going to be the "Thane of Cawdor," entice you to go and kill the current one. 

Rational thoughts make me think maybe you should just wait till he dies on his own, maybe it was going to be soon even if they didnt want him murdered. I dont really think that killing the king was  neccessary for the prophecy to come true, I think it would just make it happen faster and that isnt needed! It is so crazy and irrational. 

But I have never known Shakespeare to write something rational, so there is no surprise there. All I know is, they took a prophecy serious from three women and it lead to murder just to climb to the top. It seems as if people just arent happy with one thing but they want everything. It is directly related to society today! People are selfish and greedy and will do anything even if it lacks morality to get to the top.

Even Lady Macbeth thinks that this murder has to happen, she even thinks he lacks the power to kill Duncan, and it blows my mind that she is siding with this. Women are usually the smart ones! 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about these witches! It's so wild to me that Macbeth blindly trusts them and takes their word as true. I guess it's a testament to how hungry Macbeth truly is for power. Just because some witches tell him what he wants to hear, he's ready to murder!? I can sort of see where he's coming from, because if a random witch told me that there was a 100% chance I'd win the lottery, I'd buy a ticket, but murder is an entirely different thing!
