Wednesday, October 12, 2016

They Cheated? Off With Their Head!

Okay, so here's the thing: Utopia is just straight-up weird. I mean, it's kind of cool but it's just very, very different. The people there seem cool as hell, and it would probably be a pretty interesting place to live, considering the short work days and emphasis on staying in shape.
The thing that I found the most interesting would probably be the fact that the Utopians execute those who have cheated twice. In some cases, I think that would be a little excessive, but at the same time, giving someone that grace period in the beginning and chalking it all up to a mistake would probably be the best way to make them understand that what they did was wrong. I almost agree with killing them on the second offense... Almost.

Anyway, there are some other interesting aspects of Utopia as well, like the fact that they really don't fight unless provoked and hate war altogether. Their society seems to work so well that maybe we should rip a page from their book... But of course I'm sure we'd find a way to screw up that way of life as well. 


  1. Killing for cheating definitely seemed extreme to me too. I can't remember if other things were punished as harshly but I guess cheating is just one rule you don't break twice in Utopia.

  2. I agree with Kayla. Don't get me wrong, by no means do I think cheating is okay; but being a complete asshole (pardon my French) doesn't mean you should DIE. Personally, I think the punishment should have been like, they're barred from entering into a relationship after they do it the second time. Like, they get marked with something like the Scarlet Letter to publicly display their shame and ward off potential suitors to say 'hey, this person's a cheating jerk!'
