Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Something Wicked This Way Comes Indeed

Macbeth seems to be spiraling out of control. For some reason he just needs to kill EVERYBODY! Banquo saw it coming and hopes that at least Fleance can esacape to stop Macbeth's horrible motives.
I'm not sure I really understand why Macbeth decided to kill Lady Macduff and her children. Maybe just to be thorough? At this point I think he might just be killing to kill....or at least that's what it seems like. Perhaps he's just super paranoid because he couldn't just stay away from the witches. His power has definitely gone to his head.

I really liked how the witches described Macbeth before he entered. "Something wicked this way comes," is definitely accurate. I kind of see Macbeth as Voldemort in the sense that everyone that might compromise his power must die. Also, whenever I read that line that the witches say, I can't help but think what goes around comes around and "No one mourns the wicked."


  1. Don't know if I'm right, but I always interpreted Macbeth's killing of Macduff's family as his way of trying to punish/scare Macduff for his betrayal. Everyone knew he fled to England, and Macbeth knows he's likely conspiring against him- so Macbeth essentially just decides to slaughter his family to show what happens to traitors, and perhaps to try and intimidate Macduff into not returning.

    In short: yeah, he's on one Hell of a downward, murder-filled spiral.

  2. I also do not understand why Macbeth killed Macduffs whole family. He had no reason to, unless he is just that heartless. Of course that means he might not have wanted any loose ends, or since macduff ran he was trying to prove a point
